Why Join PBK?

Networked for life

If you have been invited to join PBK, you can justly regard it as the pinnacle of your undergraduate career. But the connection doesn’t end once you graduate.

You will join a lifetime network of 500,000 other members around the nation who are business, technology, and government leaders; distinguished scientists, doctors, and lawyers; noted artists, writers, and journalists; and prominent activists and philanthropists.

PBK members are connected through LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram, as well as through alumni associations. All members receive PBK’s quarterly publication, The Key Reporter.

And, of course, Phi Beta Kappa membership is an impressive accolade to add to your resume and CV. It gives you a competitive edge that never dulls. Employers regularly contact Phi Beta Kappa’s national office to confirm that candidates truly are members.

Learn about PBK’s selection process

“College was this all-encompassing experience, where I didn’t really leave any stone unturned,” says Esther, whose activities at IU included tutoring for the athletics department, serving as the first student docent for the art museum, playing the violin in an amateur orchestra, and founding a photography club. “That’s one of the things I dearly miss about IU: I felt limitless and that I could really explore what I wanted to do.”

At Wharton, Uduehi is exploring issues of bias, identity, and consumption: “I’m fascinated by the question: How does the way we see ourselves and the way the world sees us affect the things we decide to buy?” Once she finishes her Ph.D., she hopes to continue her career as an academic combining teaching and scholarship.